Job 9-10: How Can I Contend with God?

In chapter 8 Bildad, who had pretty bluntly accused both Job and his sons of sin (8:4), called Job to repentance (8:5), and promised blessings if Job became pure and upright (8:6f). In chapters 9 and 10 Job answers him by asking the question, “How can a man be righteous before God (9:2)?” I believe…

Job 6 and 7: No Help in Friends, Self, or God

When Eliphaz spoke to Job the first time (Job 5) he gave him good advice (“Do not despise the chastening of the Almighty. For He bruises, but He binds up; He wounds but His hands make whole,” 5:17–18), but showed no compassion. In his response (chapters 6–7) Job focused on three things: 1) that his…

Eliphaz’s First Speech to Job: Truth without Love

What would you say to a fellow Christian afflicted with a very painful disease who had just lost his family and all his possessions in a great natural catastrophe like an earthquake or a flood? How would you reply if he said with great bitterness, “I wish I was dead?” Two things would be necessary:…