Proverbs 13:12-19, A Chiasm about Desire and Receiving the Word
Note: For translation and structure of the chiasm scroll down to the end of this document. The word “desire" marks the beginning and end of this paragraph. It begins with desire (or hope) deferred and ends with desire fulfilled. The verses between deal especially with the word of God and the receiving or neglecting of…
Proverbs 11:23-27, A Chiasm about Generosity
A 23. The desire of righteous ones (is) only good,B And the expectation of wicked ones (is) wrath.C 24. There is one who disperses and still increases,D And one who withholds more than is upright, surely to poverty.C 25. A soul of blessing will be made fat,C’ And one who gives drink, he also will…
Proverbs 30 – A Chiasm?
The title ends with a question mark because there are some parts of the "chiasm" that do not seem to have much in common. But other features point to the familiar symmetrical pairing of passages around a central point. I've shown the structure of the chiasm below, but some comments are in order. The number…
Proverbs 19:12 to 20:26: A Chiasm about King and Counsel
Proverbs 19:12 to 20:26 contain two chiasms, one of which is embedded in the other. The table below shows the details, but some description is also necessary. The first and largest chiasm focuses on the words king and counsel and we can summarize it briefly in the following way. The center of the chiasm is…
Proverbs 16:28 to 17:9: Another Chiasm
In their commentary on Proverbs, Bruce K. Waltke and Ivan D. V. De Silva, note that Proverbs 16:31–17:6 form an inclusio (or envelope structure) beginning and ending with descriptions of the glories of old age. I think we may extend that inclusio into a chiasm by including all of 16:28–17:9. A 16:28 A man of…
Extract from A Crown of Splendor, a New Commentary on Proverbs by Ken Hanko
An envelope, or bookend, structure puts similar words or ideas at the beginning and end of a passage and enfolds the rest of the passage within them. In verse 10 Solomon says, My son, if sinners entice you, do not be willing. In verse 15 he repeats the words “my son” and gives really the…