God’s Covenant with Abraham, Part 5: You and Your Children

In Genesis 17:7 God promised Abraham, "I will establish my covenant between me and you and your descendants after you in their generations, for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and your descendants after you." He kept this promise throughout the Old Testament. But he also gave the same promise to believers in…

Covenant with Abraham: Part 4

Hear how God first fulfilled his promises to Abraham when he multiplied Israel in Egypt, gave them the land of Canaan and appointed David as their king. But these were only typical fulfillments. The spiritual realities to which these promises pointed were the gathering in of the Gentiles, heaven and the great king, our Lord…

God’s Covenant with Abraham, Part 3

God fulfills to Abraham the key promise, that Abraham and Sarah will have a son, and then tests Abraham's faith by commanding him to offer that son. Abraham's faith in the promise is strong, and he does what God commands, believing that God is able to raise Isaac from the dead if that is necessary…

God’s Covenant with Abraham, Part 2

An Overview of Genesis chapters 14 to 20 that shows how the Lord continued to work with Abram to strengthen and inform his faith by repeating and confirming his promises. Though God spoke his promises numerous times to Abraham, he made only two formal covenants with him. They are recorded in Genesis 15 and Genesis…

God’s Covenant with Noah, Part 2

God's made his covenant with Noah after the flood in response to Noah's sacrifice. That sacrifice shows us the necessity of the shedding of blood for the covenant of God to be fulfilled.

God’s Covenant with Adam after the Fall

The promise of God to Adam after the fall, implicit in his words to the serpent in Genesis 3:15, is the mother of all the promises of God in Old and New Testaments and the acorn from which grows the mighty oak tree of God's covenant with his people maintained and enriched throughout all of…

God’s Covenant with Adam in the Garden

Though the Scriptures do not tell us directly that God's relationship with Adam was covenantal, there was a promise implicit in his threat of death for eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It is best not to call this a covenant of works.