Psalm 24: The King of Glory

The psalm has three distinct parts. Verses 1 and 2 are about the Lord’s universal rule. Verses 3-6 are about the necessity of holiness in those who ascend the hill of the Lord. Verses 7-10 are about the entry of the Lord into his dwelling place, or, to put it differently, about the ascension of…

Psalm 15: Who May Dwell in the Lord’s House?

This psalm asks a straightforward question - who may abide in the Lord's house? - and gives an equally straightforward answer - only one who is perfectly righteous. It is a detailed exposition of the truth expressed in Hebrews 12:14, Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord.…

Psalm 32:1-5: A Series of Threes

We have here a series of threes. In verses 1-2 are three terms for justification: transgression is forgiven, sin is covered, and the Lord does not impute iniquity. In verses 3-4 David gives us three descriptions of his spiritual condition: "my bones grew old through my groaning," "your hand was heavy on me," and "my…

Psalm 30: Centered on Verse 7

Psalm 30 is a difficult psalm for especially two reasons. The first reason is that the heading is rather mysterious: A Song at the dedication of the house of David. The second reason is that there is a dramatic change in tone in verse 7. That verse begins with a very positive statement: LORD, by…