Christ in the Psalms of Suffering

To speak of Messianic psalms as if there are only a few psalms that speak prophetically of the sufferings and glory of our Lord Jesus Christ is a serious mistake. Christ’s presence in the psalms is pervasive.  They are his songs first, and ours only as we are one with him. One of the best…

Praying for Our Daily Bread

There are two errors we can fall into with regard to the material things we pray about in this fourth petition of the Lord’s Prayer. The first is that we value them too much and set our hearts on them as if they were the means to a happy and fulfilled life. The apostle Paul…

Christians as Prophets, Priests and Kings in Christ, Part 5

Our Anointing in Christ The New Testament brings the offices of prophet, priest and king to their fulfillment in Christ. The special offices of priest and king ceased to exist with the outpouring of the Spirit and the special office of prophet with the closing of the canon. All God’s people have become prophets, priests…