Proverbs 16:28 to 17:9: Another Chiasm

In their commentary on Proverbs, Bruce K. Waltke and Ivan D. V. De Silva, note that Proverbs 16:31–17:6 form an inclusio (or envelope structure) beginning and ending with descriptions of the glories of old age. I think we may extend that inclusio into a chiasm by including all of 16:28–17:9. A 16:28 A man of…

Studies in the Covenants of Grace

Last year I completed a series of studies about the covenants of grace in the history of the Old Testament and about the new covenant in Christ as described in various Old Testament prophecies and New Testament books. This series can be found on by clicking this link.

Ephesians: Three Descriptions of Man’s Fallen Condition

In the Apostle Paul’s letter to the saints and faithful in Ephesus there are three descriptions of the fallen condition of humanity. The first is in chapter 2:1–3 and describes the internal spiritual condition of those who are without Christ. The second, in 2:11–13, describes the external circumstances of the Gentiles prior to the revelation…

The Trinitarian Foundation of Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians

The Scriptures teach us certain doctrines by explicit development in specific passages—justification by faith (Rom. 3 and 4, Gal. 2 and 3), salvation by grace alone (Eph. 2:1–10), the power of the preaching of the gospel (1 Cor. 1). Other doctrines we learn only by gathering up Scriptural teaching in many places and putting it…

Some Thoughts about Assurance and Good Works

There is a question inherent in Reformed soteriology: if justification is by faith alone, why can we not have assurance of justification apart from holiness? Doesn’t this make our justification in part dependent on good works? The antinomians answer it by saying that we don’t need personal holiness. Another answer to the question is that…

Some Thoughts about Assurance of Justification

I have occasionally heard the phrase “consciousness of justification” or “consciousness of salvation.” I do not like that phrase. I would say that assurance, confidence and certainty are synonyms and belong to faith. Knowledge also is good; it’s prominent in John: …that you may know that you have eternal life (1 Jn 5:13) for just…

Faith has an Object

Jesus said, If you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you. It may seem that Jesus here guarantees that he will give us anything we ask for, as long as we believe. If I…