Psalm 89: Renouncing the Unbreakable Covenant

Psalm 89 is theologically rich. Its main ideas are God’s covenant with David and his lovingkindness and faithfulness as revealed in it, but there are many other ideas as well: the glory, power and righteousness of God (vv. 6–14), the fear of God (v. 7), the blessedness of God’s people (vv. 15–18), election (v. 19),…

Genesis 3:15: The Seed of the Woman

In this second part of the book we will be looking at some of the themese that appear repeatedly in the covenants of God with men. These themes demonstrate that the various covenants of God with men unite as one great work of God to accomplish and promise salvation in Christ and the renewal of…

God’s Covenant with David, Part 1

God's covenant with David fulfilled in part promises made in prior covenants, especially that made with Abraham. Those promises were the promise of kings, the promise of the land, the promise "I will be your God," and the promise of rest.

The Mosaic Covenant 5: The Law and the Promise

In Galatians 3:15-18, the apostle teaches us what the law did not do: it did not annul or change the promise of God to Abraham. That promise remained throughout the Old Testament, was fulfilled in Christ, and stands for Gentile believers even today. Justification and the inheritance have never been by the works of the…

The Mosaic Covenant 4: The Law and the Promise

In Galatians 3 the apostle Paul shows us that the covenant God made with Israel does not annul, replace or change the covenant he made with Abraham. Instead, the law was a schoolmaster to bring Israel to Christ. In this session we look at Galatians 3:1-18, and what the law does not do in regard…

The Mosaic Covenant 3: The Covenant in Deuteronomy

Deuteronomy is the words of God's covenant which he made with Israel before they entered the land of Canaan (Dt 29:1). Its laws relate especially to Israel's conquest of and life in the promised land, and it gives great prominence to the blessings and curses of the covenant. The Lord never broke his covenant with…

God’s Covenant with Abraham, Part 5: You and Your Children

In Genesis 17:7 God promised Abraham, "I will establish my covenant between me and you and your descendants after you in their generations, for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and your descendants after you." He kept this promise throughout the Old Testament. But he also gave the same promise to believers in…